07-04, 15:00–15:30 (Europe/Tallinn), 327
MapStore is an open source product developed for creating, saving and sharing in a simple and intuitive way maps, dashboards, charts, geostories and application contexts directly online in your browser.
MapStore is built on top of React and Redux, it is cross-browser and mobile ready; it does not explicitly depend on any mapping engine but it supports both OpenLayers, Leaflet and Cesium; additional engines could also be supported.
The presentation will give the audience an extensive overview of the MapStore functionalities for the creation of mapping portals, covering both previous work as well work for the future releases. Eventually, a range of MapStore case studies will be presented to demonstrate what our clients (like City of Genova, City of Florence, Halliburton, Austrocontrol and more) and partners are achieving with it.
Software Engineer specialized in Front-end and GIS. Technical lead of MapStore project
Frontend Developer at GeoSolutions