07-04, 15:10–15:15 (Europe/Tallinn), 246
As transmission operator (Austrian Power Grid) we need up to date information on parcels and land use during building projects. The Austrian data provider in this field (Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - kataster.bev.gv.at) provides an open data vector tile cache with this information on a daily basis. The vector tile format is good for visualisation, but for the export of distinct multiple parcel-geometries, there is no out-of-box solution in QGIS so far.
We present a methodology of downloading data from vector tiles based on a defined spatial selection with PyQGIS. Based on a geometry (e.g., a power line) we are able to select the parcels of interest. One challenge is the fragmented provision of data by vector tiles. Using GeoPandas we combine the tiles into distinct geometries which can be postprocessed.
The result are precise parcels including attribute data and metadata. The challenge is to reduce the amount of data in the spatial selection process to find the parcels of interest.
GIS expert at Austrian Power Grid, Department of Transmission Lines. Background in spatial databases.