07-04, 17:40–17:45 (Europe/Tallinn), 327
The renowned Stamen Map Tiles, after more than a decade of being used and loved by digital cartographers the world over, have received a facelift. Together, Stamen and Stadia Maps created all new vector versions of Toner and Terrain based on the modern mapping stack of open data and an open source toolbox of vector tiles and styles, while preserving backward compatibility for existing users. We will discuss the technical challenges to creating an affordable map tiling service at scale and provide some perspective on how OSM-based digital cartography has changed since these tilesets were originally created.
Originally, Luke has created high performance products based on open source solutions for startups and companies around the world from his base in Europe. He was introduced to the world of OSS for maps when he founded Stadia Maps in 2017, and has since participated in creating multiple libraries and products for use in the community, including as a founding member of the MapLibre board and many contributions in the Rust geo space.