Andrea Aime

Open source enthusiast with strong experience in Java development and GIS. Personal interest range from high performance software, managing large data volumes, software testing and quality, spatial data analysis algorithms, map rendering.
Full time open source developer on GeoServer and GeoTools, regular presenter at F0SS4G.
Received the Sol Katz's OSGeo award in 2017.


Vector Mosaicking with GeoServer
Andrea Aime

The vector mosaic datastore is a new feature in GeoServer that allows indexing many smaller vector stores (e.g., shapefiles, FlatGeoBuf, Geoparquet) and serving them as a single, seamless data source. This has the advantage of cost savings when dealing with very large amounts of data in the cloud, as blob storage bills at a fraction of an equivalent database. It is also faster for specific use cases, e.g, when extracting a single file from a large collection and rendering it fully (e.g. tractor tracks in a precision farming application).

Attend this presentation to learn more about vector mosaic setup, tuning, migration from large relations databases, and real world experiences.

Use cases & applications
Publishing INSPIRE and other rich data models in GeoServer made easy with Smart Data Loader and Features Templating
Andrea Aime, Nuno Oliveira

This presentation will cover the support GeoServer provides to publish rich data models (complex features with nested properties and multiple-cardinality relationships), through OGC services and OGC API - Features, focusing on the recent Smart Data Loader and Features Templating extensions, covering in detail ongoing and planned work on GeoServer.

As far as the INSPIRE scenario is concerned, GeoServer has extensive support for implementing view and download services thanks to its core capabilities but also to a number of free and open-source extensions; undoubtedly the most well-known (and dreaded) extension is App-Schema, which can be used to publish complex data models and implement sophisticated download services for vector data.

We will also provide an overview of how those extensions are serving as a foundation for new approaches to publishing rich data models: publishing them directly from MongoDB, embracing the NoSQL nature of it, and supporting new output formats like JSON-LD which allows us to embed well-known semantics in our data.

Real-world use cases from the organizations that have selected GeoServer and GeoSolutions to support their use cases will be introduced to provide the attendees with references and lessons learned that could put them on the right path when adopting GeoServer.

Open standards and interoperability for geospatial
GEOCAT (301)
State of GeoServer
Andrea Aime

GeoServer is a web service for publishing your geospatial data using industry standards for vector, raster and mapping, as well as to process data, either in batch or on the fly.
GeoServer powers a number of open source projects like GeoNode and geOrchestra and it is widely used throughout the world by organizations to manage, disseminate and analyze data at scale.

This presentation provides an update on our community as well as reviews of the new and noteworthy features for the latest releases. In particular, we will showcase new features landed in 2.24 and 2.25, as well as a preview of what we have in store for 2.26 (to be released in September 2024).

Attend this talk for a cheerful update on what is happening with this popular OSGeo project, whether you are an expert user, a developer, or simply curious what GeoServer can do for you.

State of software
Van46 ring
Mastering Security with GeoServer, GeoFence, and OpenID
Andrea Aime, Emanuele Tajariol

The presentation will provide a comprehensive introduction to GeoServer's own authentication and authorization subsystems. The authentication part will cover the various supported authentication protocols (e.g. basic/digest authentication, CAS, OAuth2) and identity providers (such as local config files, database tables and LDAP servers). It will also cover the recent improvements implemented with the OpenID integrations and the refreshed Keycloak integration.

It will explain how to combine various authentication mechanisms in a single comprehensive authentication tool, as well as provide examples of custom authentication plugins for GeoServer, integrating it in a home-grown security architecture. We’ll then move on to authorization, describing the GeoServer pluggable authorization mechanism, and comparing it with a external proxy-based solution. We will explain the default service and data security system, reviewing its benefits and limitations.

Finally, we’ll explore the advanced authorization provider, GeoFence. The different levels of integration with GeoServer will be presented, from the simple and seamless direct integration to the more sophisticated external setup. Finally, we’ll explore GeoFence’s powerful authorization rules using:

  • The current user and its roles.
  • The OGC services, workspace, layer, and layer group.
  • CQL read and write filters.
  • Attribute selection.
  • Cropping raster and vector data to areas of interest.
Use cases & applications
Van46 ring
Styling Natural Earth with GeoServer and GeoCSS
Andrea Aime

Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth one can build a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.

GeoServer GeoCSS is a CSS inspired language allowing you to build maps without consuming fingertips in the process, while providing all the same abilities as SLD.

In this presentation we’ll show how we have built a world political map and a world geographic map based on Natural Earth, using CSS, and shared the results on GitHub. We’ll share with you how simple, compact styles can be used to prepare a multiscale map, including:

  • Leveraging CSS cascading.
  • Building styles that respond to scales in ways that go beyond simple scale dependencies.
  • Various types of labeling tricks (conflict resolution and label priority, controlling label density, label placement, typography, labels in various scripts, label shields and more).
  • Quickly controlling colors with LessCSS inspired functions.
  • Building symbology using GeoServer large set of well known marks.

Join this presentation for a relaxing introduction to simple and informative maps.

Use cases & applications
Van46 ring
Serving earth observation data with GeoServer: COG, STAC, OpenSearch and more...
Andrea Aime

Never before have we had such a rich collection of satellite imagery available to both companies and the general public. Between missions such as Landsat 8 and Sentinels and the explosion of cubesats, as well as the free availability of worldwide data from the European Copernicus program and from Drones, a veritable flood of data is made available for everyday usage.
Managing, locating and displaying such a large volume of satellite images can be challenging. Join this presentation to learn how GeoServer can help with with that job, with real world examples, including:
* Indexing and locating images using The OpenSearch for EO and STAC protocols
* Managing large volumes of satellite images, in an efficient and cost effective way, using Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs.
* Visualize mosaics of images, creating composite with the right set of views (filtering), in the desired stacking order (color on top, most recent on top, less cloudy on top, your choice)
* Perform both small and large extractions of imagery using the WCS and WPS protocols
* Generate and view time based animations of the above mosaics, in a period of interest
* Perform band algebra operations using Jiffle

Attend this talk to get a good update on the latest GeoServer capabilities in the Earth Observation field.

Use cases & applications
GEOCAT (301)
Processing and publishing Maritime AIS data with GeoServer and Databricks in Azure
Andrea Aime

The amount of data we have to process and publish keeps growing every day, fortunately, the infrastructure, technologies, and methodologies to handle such streams of data keep improving and maturing. GeoServer is an Open Source web service for publishing your geospatial data using industry standards for vector, raster, and mapping. It powers a number of open source projects like GeoNode and geOrchestra and it is widely used throughout the world by organizations to manage and disseminate data at scale. We integrated GeoServer with some well-known big data technologies like Kafka and Databricks, and deployed the systems in Azure cloud, to handle use cases that required near-realtime displaying of the latest AIS received data on a map as well background batch processing of historical Maritime AIS data.

This presentation will describe the architecture put in place, and the challenges that GeoSolutions had to overcome to publish big data through GeoServer OGC services (WMS, WFS, and WPS), finding the correct balance that maximized ingestion performance and visualization performance. We had to integrate with a streaming processing platform that took care of most of the processing and storing of the data in an Azure data lake that allows GeoServer to efficiently query for the latest available features, respecting all the authorization policies that were put in place. A few custom GeoServer extensions were implemented to handle the authorization complexity, the advanced styling needs, and big data integration needs.

Use cases & applications
Add a "map" tag in HTML: MapML developments and support in GeoServer
Andrea Aime, Peter Rushforth

The W3C Maps for HTML Community Group is working to define a new map HTML element that would be used to define map contents in a web page and would be directly supported and rendered by web browsers in a standardized way.
The specification has support for full screen maps, as well as tiled maps, and vector tiles.

The presentation will provide an introduction to the specification, then delve into how the MapML support has been integrated into GeoServer OGC services, with native support for TiledCRSs, as well as tiling and styling.

We’ll conclude by discussing the next evolution in the MapML structure and its GeoServer implementation.

State of software
Demystifing OGC APIs with GeoServer: introduction and status of implementation
Andrea Aime

The OGC APIs are a fresh take at doing geo-spatial APIs, based on WEB API concepts and modern formats, including:

  • Small core with basic functionality, extra functionality provided by extensions
  • OpenAPI/RESTful based
  • JSON first, while still allowing to provide data in other formats
  • No mandate to publish schemas for data
  • Improved support for data tiles (e.g., vector tiles)
  • Specialized APIs in addition to general ones (e.g., DAPA vs OGC API - Processes)
  • Full blown services, building blocks, and ease of extensibility

This presentation will provide an introduction to various OGC APIs and extensions, such as Features, Styles, Maps and Tiles, STAC and CQL2 filtering.
Some have reached a final release, some are in draft: we will discuss their trajectory towards official status, as well as how good the GeoServer implementation is tracking them, and show examples based on the GeoServer HTML representation of the various resources.

Open standards and interoperability for geospatial
Van46 ring