Rajat Shinde

Hey there! My name is Rajat (meaning shining like Silver in Hindi). I hail from India and currently, I am working as a Computer Scientist with NASA IMPACT / the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). I have a Ph.D. degree in Geo-informatics with a specialization in LiDAR data processing using deep learning algorithms. During my Ph.D., I was a recipient of the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship conferred by the Government of India to selected doctoral candidates. Before diving into the spatial dimension, I used to be an Electronics and Communication Engineer.

My journey with open-source (and OSGeo) started in 2017 when I got to attend and present at the FOSS4G Asia 2017. In the same year, I had an amazing experience in contributing to the MapMint project as a Google Summer of Code Student. From 2018 onwards, I am contributing as a GSoC Admin and mentor for the ZOO-Project and MapMint. Also, I serve as a Project Steering Committee (PSC) Member for the ZOO-Project and pgRouting projects. I was one of the mentors for the United Nations OSGeo Education Challenge 2021 for the pgRouting project and represented OSGeo during the Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit 2023 held in California, US.


ZOO-Project: from OGC WPS to OGC API - Processes Part 1 and Part 2
Rajat Shinde, GĂ©rald Fenoy

The ZOO-Project is an open source processing platform, released under MIT/X11 Licence. It provides the polyglot ZOO-Kernel, a server implementation of the Web Processing Service (WPS) (1.0.0 and 2.0.0) and the OGC API - Processes standards published by the OGC. It contains ZOO-Services, a minimal set of ready-to-use services that can be used as a base to create more usefull services. It provides the ZOO-API, initially only available from the JavaScript service implementation, which exposes ZOO-Kernel variables and functions to the language used to implement the service. It contains the ZOO-Client, a JavaScript API which can be used from a client application to interract with a WPS server.

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