FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul

Aprilia Nidia Rinasti

April is a research associate from the Geoinformatics Center of the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Her expertise counts on four years of dealing with spatial study in GIS and remote sensing data analysis, hydrological modelling and relating to environmental issues. Her current research focuses on modelling plastic waste and analysis in a waste management context for delivering the scientific-based approach.


Extending the Utility in Open-source Data Processing for Plastic Waste Management Governance: Potential and Practices
Aprilia Nidia Rinasti

Environmental problems have been exacerbated, including the issue of plastic waste. Regarding practicability, the plastic waste issue can be tackled with collaborative acts and participation from all to exhibit strategic solutions. Mapping of plastic waste is one of the strategic solutions where effective management and monitoring can be adhered. This study analysed the inclusivity of open-source spatial data processing for plastic waste management governance. We addressed the three main components of the monitoring process of plastic waste, such as crowdsourced data, replicability of the GIS methodology, and geocoding in translating information into spatial analysis. The overall analysis is incorporated in the model builder to enhance the practicability and enable the flow data manipulation to integrate with the other data analysis result. The main analysis included data extraction, proximity analysis, and spatial join analysis. The result has been showcased in the interactive hotspot maps and addressed the vulnerable exposure to plastic waste leakage. The obtained results are practicable for translating the report and regulation in managerial based into the spatial context, which potentially complements the national action plans in plastic waste management.

Academic Track(Talks, Online Talks, Lightning Talks, Posters)
Circle Room