Self-taught programming and machine learning enthusiast with a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Tribhuvan University. I'm passionate about open-source software and data.
Since 2021, I've been working at Kathmandu Living Labs as software developer. Currently i am working as a maintainer of the HOT Tasking Manager for about 2 years.
- Empowering Local Communities: Enhancing OpenStreetMap Localization with OSM Localizer

I am working as a Research Associate in the Air Quality Life Index project at EPIC India (Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago, India center in Delhi) since 2021. Prior to this, I was working as a RA in a Health Economics setup. I am also the founder of the Polyhedra Appreciation Society.
- Air Quality Life Index (AQLI): A free and open Source global interactive tool that shows the impact of pollution on human life expectancy around the world

Lead, Platform at Aereo (previously Aarav Unmanned Systems). Leading a team of rockstar GIS developers, product managers and designers to develop Aereo Cloud, a cutting-edge WebGIS platform. Experienced in application of drone imagery for GIS-oriented use-cases.
- Utilising Cloud-Optimised GeoTIFF and PostGIS for mapping India's rural areas
Albert Kochaphum is a maptivist passionate about open source and environmental sustainability. He works full time as a Digital Communications Administrator at Metro Los Angeles and teaches web development at UCLA once a quarter.
- Making A Realtime Interoperable Open-data Stack for Transit

Aman is a Geospatial Scientist at GalaxEye Space with experience in Python and Deep Learning. He has a keen interest in open specification spatial data formats. A regular blogger, Aman has an active YouTube and GitHub handles, where he shares detailed examples of remote sensing and GIS case-studies. Find him at
- Doing Geospatial analysis with Python
- Sentinel-1 Image Analysis: Flood Detection using Cloud Native Tooling

I am a PhD candidate at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Also working as an Assistant Professor in Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi. my current work is based on sustainable livelihood in the urban poor context. My research interest are in Land use planning, Women Empowerment, Gender Inclusivity, Urban and Regional Planning, Housing.
- Understanding Livelihood Assets: Opportunities or Constraints in Accessing Livelihood for Urban Poor.

April is a research associate from the Geoinformatics Center of the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Her expertise counts on four years of dealing with spatial study in GIS and remote sensing data analysis, hydrological modelling and relating to environmental issues. Her current research focuses on modelling plastic waste and analysis in a waste management context for delivering the scientific-based approach.
- Extending the Utility in Open-source Data Processing for Plastic Waste Management Governance: Potential and Practices
Dr. Arun Pratihast is a Senior Data Scientist at Wageningen Environmental Research in the Netherlands. He specializes in utilizing data and technology for forest, biodiversity, and agriculture monitoring. His expertise includes citizen science, geoinformation technologies, mobile app development, open data, data standardization, and software engineering. Arun holds a PhD from Wageningen University for his research on "Interactive Community-Based Tropical Forest Monitoring Using Emerging Technologies."
- Automatic Cocoa fruit count using a mobile app and computer vision
Backend Engineer at i-bitz company limited
- Design and Implementation of Location-Based Place APIs using OpenSearch
- skye-vision: An Open-Source Ensemble of Python Libraries for Forest Structure Analysis through Remote Sensing and Imagery

My major responsibilities here include doing research on environmental and urban concerns utilizing remote sensing and GIS techniques, as well as authoring academic papers on the subject. In addition, I'm frequently active in a fundamental research project titled "Method of enriching Web based GIS systems with remote sensing and spatial data.
- Estimating the Solar Radiation Using a DigitalSurface Model of Ulaanbaatar

Creator of Protomaps and PMTiles open source vector mapping projects, OpenStreetMap tools developer based in Taiwan.
- The state of Asian web map localization with OpenStreetMap, Protomaps and MapLibre

Geospatial Data Analyst | Korea National Park Service
Charter Member | OSGeo Foundation
Sustaining Member | QGIS
- eeSDM: Google Earth Engine 기반 종 분포 모델링을 위한 Python 패키지
- Revitalizing Urban Voids in Coimbatore, India: A Remote Sensing Approach for Sustainable Development and Community-driven Regeneration using Open source software

Charmyne Mamador is a creative technologist with almost 10 years of experience in crafting solutions for various domain. Currently, Project Lead at Ausome Maps.
- Ausome Maps: Empowering Filipino Families by Mapping the Spectrum of Autism Resources in the Philippines using OpenStreetMap and Open-Source Tools

Master's student from the College of Resources and Environment at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), specializing in remote sensing hydrology.
- Adaptive Process Fitting: A Novel Approach to Multivariable Calibration in Hydrological Modeling
- Enhancing Hydrological Modeling with Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Products: Impacts of Dataset Qualities and Aggregation Scales

2021~ Director of Gaia3D, Inc (DigitalTwin Dept)
- Open Source Basded 3D City Model Visualization - A LH Urban Digital Twin Case
• Ph.D in Geography(GIS), State University of New York(2010)
• Master in Urban and regional planning, SNU(Seoul National University) (1995)
• Bachelor in Landscape Architecture, SNU(1992)
• Director of Geospatially Enabled Society Research Division & Geospatial Digital Twin Research Center, KRIHS (2021-)
• Visiting Scholar at Geospatial Analytics Center, NCSU(2019-2020)
• Director of Geospatial Analytics Center, KRIHS(2016-2017)
• Director of Research Center for Territorial Policy Simulation, KRIHS (2013-2014)
- Assessment of variation of land use/land cover and its impact on land Surface Temperature: a case study from Chitwan District, Nepal
I am a student of Graduate School of Informatics at Osaka Metropolitan University.
I am researching infrastructure maintenance and management using drones.
- Development of a crack detection system using aerial images taken by a small general-purpose drone and utilization of location information

Dr. Daisuke Yoshida is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Informatics at Osaka Metropolitan University. His work focuses specifically on developing methods to efficiently and safely maintain and manage various urban infrastructures by using ICT such as drones and GIS.
- Development of a crack detection system using aerial images taken by a small general-purpose drone and utilization of location information
I am a passionate Frontend Developer with a focus on data visualization, UI/UX, and geospatial mapping. Proficient in charting libraries like D3.js, Chart.js, and Recharts, I integrate them with mapping tools such as OpenLayers and Maplibre. I create interactive and efficient data-driven applications. Eager to contribute to impactful projects that empower users with valuable insights from complex datasets.
- OSMSG : On the Fly OpenStreetMap Stats Generator
- Frontend and Visualization With Geospatial Data
I am a Geospatial Engineer with a strong interest in open-source technologies. I have a background in the field of geography through my undergraduate and postgraduate courses where I learned more basics and fundamentals of geospatial technology. I have been working in the geospatial industry for around 3 years. My experience includes working with earth imaging satellites and the analytical tools to mine insights from that data and developing applications.
- PyQGIS Unveiled: Elevating Your Geospatial Workflow with QGIS and Python

Dongpo Deng is an Open Data Consultant and Project Director (Civic Sense) for Open Culture Foundation. He has been 8 government agencies' Open Government Data Advisory Committee member, and is a deputy Chairman of Open Data Alliance. His expertise is geographic information science. He has been participated in OSM community for more than 15 years and promoted OSGeo initiatives in Taiwan.
- Embedding the OpenStreetMap Framework into the Production Mechanism of Map Authorities: A story so far

Dr. Eliya Buyukkaya received her PhD in Computer Science from University Paris 6 in 2011. She worked as a R&D engineer in several EU research projects at Telecom Bretagne (Brest), ENSSAT (Lannion) and University Rennes 1 in France. From 2014 to 2020, she worked as an Assistant Professor at Kadir Has University (Istanbul). Since September 2020, she has been working as a Software Engineer in Earth Informatics team at Wageningen Environmental Research.
- Automatic Cocoa fruit count using a mobile app and computer vision
- fAIr - Free and Open Source AI for Humanitarian Mapping

Eun-Kyeong Kim, Ph.D. is a geographer and is passionate to contribute to geographic data science for understanding spatiotemporal processes of human behaviors, health, and climate change with spatiotemporal statistics, GeoAI, and multi-sensor trajectory analytics. She is currently a Spatial Data Science Lead and Research Associate at Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research. She has been working in the field of GIScience for +17 years in Luxembourg, Switzerland, USA, and South Korea.
- COVID-Contrail: Automated Contrail Detection through Deep Learning Model
- Individual Mobility Analytics with Open Data and Software
Feye is a Geospatial Analyst based in the Philippines. She has been an active volunteer with OpenStreetMap-Philippines since 2013. Through her extensive involvement, she has honed her expertise in teaching diverse stakeholders how to effectively use OpenStreetMap and open mapping tools. Recognized for her leadership and expertise, Feye serves as a Regional Ambassador of YouthMappers since 2020. In this capacity, she actively supports student organizations, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among aspiring young mappers.
- Basic Python for Geospatial
- Building Resilient Communities in Asia: Harnessing Open Data and Open Source Tools in Addressing Sustainable Development Goals

FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul LOC
- [DT] Digital Twin in Support of Peace – Experience from the UN by Diego Gonzalez Ferreiro(UN Global Service Centre)
- [DT] LH Urban Digital Twin(Digital Twin for Urban planning) by Hyocheol Park(LH Corp.)
- [DT] Digital Twin Collaborating with Citizens, S-Map by KiSung Song(Seoul Metropolitan Government)
- [DT] The Urban Digital Twin “Project PLATEAU” by Yuri TSUBAKI(Japan Government)
- [DT] The Frontier of Digital Twin in KOREA by Sijung Kim(Korea Government)
- [DT] Spatial Digital Twins – the Australian experience by Ana Belgun(CSIRO Data61)
- OSM & OSGeo Mapping Party
- [B2B] - MapTiler
- [B2B] - SIIS
- [B2B] - TomTom
- [B2B] - InnoPAM
- [B2B] - Sandeep Mehta(Parul University)
- [B2B] - MIERUNE Inc
- [B2B] - Francis Gasgonia
- [B2B] - Aereo
- [B2B] - Stadia Maps
- [B2B] - Protomaps LLC
- [B2B] - Applied Technologies
- [B2B] - Gaia3D
- [UN] - Hybrid GIS Platform by Timur Obukhov
- [UN] - Open Source Software Operation in GSI Japan by Soichiro Takesaki
- [UN] - UN Maps by Diego Gonzalez Ferreiro
- [UN] - Overview on UN Open GIS Initiative by Kyoung-Soo Eom
- [UN] - What Next for UN Open GIS Initiative? by Ki-Joune Li
- [UN] - UN Smart Maps by Hidenori Fujimura
- [UN] - OpenDroneMap and 3D for UN by Stephan Mather
- [UN] - Open Geo-AI for UN by Maria A. Brovelli
- [B2B] - i-bitz Company Limited
- [UN] - Opening & Welcoming

Mr. Francis Josef C. Gasgonia is a professional Environmental Planner specializing in Environment and Natural Resources Management Planning, Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Planning, GIS, Cartography, and Open Source Intelligence Analysis. He has several maps, and chapter contributions published. He is a member of the Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners, alumni of the U.S. State Depts.' YSEALI Professional Fellowship Exchange Program for Sustainability, and of the Asia-Europe Foundation's Young Leaders Navigator Program.
- Open Resilience: Application of a Geo-Analytics Platform using Free and Open Source Software towards Resilient Land Use Planning
- Three Pics and a Map: Using QFIELD, a Drone, and Sentinel 2 Imagery for Land Use and Land Cover Analysis in Support of Community Environment Economic and Social Accounting Matrix (CEESAM) Study
Fritz Dariel Andal is a Senior ICT Asisstant for University of the Philippines Resilience Institute - NOAH Center. He is a Python and JavaScript Programmer and he uses these skills to provide efficient programs and codes. He graduated at Far Eastern University Institute of Technology in 2019 with a Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology with specialization in Web and Mobile Application. In his free time, he likes to play video games and sleeps a lot.
- Basic Python for Geospatial

After graduation, he worked in a private company as a developer for Web-GIS application, PostGIS based system integration. He established his company GeoLabs in 2006, and managed several projects in France and overseas. He's been actively developing and promoting OSGeo technologies. and is a regular participant and contributor to FOSS4G Conferences. He is working on implementing the ZOO-Project and a user interface to manage web applications and OGC web services, called MapMint.
- ZOO-Project: from OGC WPS to OGC API - Processes Part 1 and Part 2

Dr. Gunho Sohn is a distinguished Associate Professor and Department Chair at the Department of Earth and Science and Engineering at York University. He is also the Inaugural Director of the Mobility Innovation Centre (MOVE). Dr. Sohn's innovative research in urban digital twinning, which combines computer vision, and machine learning, has garnered acclaim for making urban environments smarter, safer, and more sustainable.
- CornerRegNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Oriented Corner-Prediction and Shape Regularization of Building Footprints from Satellite Imagery
- Robot-Human Dynamics on Urban Sidewalks: Simulating Safe Coexistence through GIS-Based Digital Twinning

I am a graphic designer and I like maps and route maps.
I work at MIERUNE Inc.
- Modern-style Historical Map Design with QGIS
Research Director, Gaia3D.
Developer who can't develop but claims to be a developer.
- JAVA-based '3D Tiles' Maker, Mago 3DTiler

My name is Hamidreza Ostadabbas and I got my bachelor in surveying engineering and master in geoinformatics. my personal interest is working with open source software in GIS field and developing plugins in QGIS and also developing WebGIS. I am official member of CLGE organization as young surveyors representative.
- PyQGIS and plugin development in QGIS for automatic map creation
Hanjin Lee is a GIS Developer at the Gaia3D Inc. He has been working on application development and education using open source GIS for many years. Worked in data processing, visualization, and communicating information intuitively. More recently, he's been interested in GeoAI and hopes to use it to develop applications that capitalize on emerging technology trends.
- Visualizing Seoul’s subway traffic and data in a 3D city model.
gaia3d, 3D gis web developer
- Open Source Basded 3D City Model Visualization - A LH Urban Digital Twin Case

I am the project manager at Eukarya. My main responsibilities include conducting Re:Earth workshops and implementing Re:Earth in educational settings.
- Re:Earth Quick Dive: WebGIS Revolution in a Nutshell

Hirofumi Hayashi (aka Hayashi) became an OSGeo Charter member in 2010, and is a longtime member of the Board of the OSGeo-Japan chapter.
Hayashi is a Manager for a large engineering company in Osaka Japan (Applied Technology Co.), and yet still finds time to contribute to the vibrant OSGeo-Japan community.
- OGC API – Moving Features, an introduction with MF-API Server based on pygeoapi and MobilityDB
- API Implementation of the OGC API Moving Feature
- Digital Urban Environment Project for Analyzing the Impact of Shadow, Wind, and Noise

Born in Hue, Vietnam. Study at Hanoi University. Post-graduate study at Stockholm University and AIT Thailand. Recently work at Institute of Resources Geography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. Visiting lecturer at the International University HCMC and the HCMC University of Natural Sciences. Fields of interest: Digital Image Processing, Applications of Geoinformatics in Natural Resources management, Teaching and Promoting Open Source.
- Teaching Open Source for Vietnamese students – my two-year’s experience

Honey is a GIS Associate from the Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific, a regional hub of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). She graduated from the University of the Philippines-Diliman with a degree in Geodetic Engineering. She is passionate about utilizing GIS and RS methods and technologies to create geospatial products that will benefit the community – especially the underrepresented and marginalized.
- Amplifying Disaster Services in the Region with Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific
Scientific software engineer, specialized in geospatial software
- Automatic Cocoa fruit count using a mobile app and computer vision
Huidae /hidɛ/ Cho is a member of the GRASS GIS Development Team and Project Steering Committee. He researches and teaches Water Resources Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at New Mexico State University.
- State of GRASS GIS: 40 Years Strong and Counting
- Memory-Efficient Flow Accumulation Using OpenMP Parallelization
A Korean OSM contributor / 한국 OSM 기여자 중 한 명.
- OpenStreetMap 한국 커뮤니티, 그리고 OSGeo와의 소통
Hwiyoung Kim is the leader of the Geospatial team at InnoPAM, a GeoAI company. He is involved in projects related to drone mapping, image georeferencing based on reference images, image local bundle adjustment, cross-view and multi-source image registration and 3D modeling. He is keen on the practical use and problem solving using GeoAI technology.
- Automatic Image Registration of Aerial-Ground Cross-view Images based on Deep Learning Image Matching for Efficient Digital Twin Construction
Mango System inst - researcher,
LX Academy
- Military terrain spatial analysis service (Mil-Map 4.0), development of 2D military terrain analysis service

Ian is a cofounder of Stadia Maps, where he's on a mission to make location APIs more accessible. His background is in iOS and backend development, and currently lives in Seoul.
- Ferrostar: Building the Future of Mobile Navigation in Rust
Impyeong Lee is a professor in Dept. of Geoinformatics, University of Seoul, Korea. His main research interests are on photogrammetry and computer vision.
- Development of a real-world based 3D driving simulator with open-source software and data
Indra Kumar Subedi, a skilled Geomatics Engineer from Kathmandu, Nepal, holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor's degree in Geomatics Engineering. With over six years of experience, he excels in Surveying, Mapping, GIS, and Remote Sensing. Currently pursuing an MSc. in Geospatial Engineering, Indra has led significant projects, demonstrating excellent time management and problem-solving skills as a Civil Sub-Engineer at Pokhara Metropolitan City Office.
- Assessment of variation of land use/land cover and its impact on land Surface Temperature: a case study from Chitwan District, Nepal

Rodrigo Cedeno obtained a B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering. In 2021 he obtained a M.Sc. in Geoinformatics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. In 2022 he obtained a M.Sc. in Environmental and Land Engineering at Politecnico di Torino. He is a PhD student in Geomatics at Politecnico di Milano. His research fields are Artificial Intelligence applied to atmospheric pollution using Earth Observation. He also specialises in open geospatial infrastructures (Open Data Cube and Blockchain).
- A user-oriented FOSS solution for LCZ mapping: the LCZ-ODC project
Janice Carpo-Aldea or "Bon" as her nickname is a dedicated professional at the forefront of disaster resilience in the Philippines, leveraging the power of open data to mitigate the impact of calamities and foster a safer, more resilient nation. With an unyielding passion for community well-being, Bon has made significant contributions as an Information Technology Officer of the UP Resilience Institute.
- Internet of things for strengthening disaster-resilient communities in Quezon City, Philippines

Jappe Franke, MSc. is a Researcher & Software Engineer at Wageningen Environmental Research in the Netherlands. He specialises in utilising data and technology for environmental and agriculture monitoring. His expertise includes unmanned aerial vehicles, geoinformation technologies, HPC development, open data, remote sensing imagery, and software engineering.
- Automatic Cocoa fruit count using a mobile app and computer vision

I have been honing my skills in the geospatial domain, gaining diverse experience in Climate tech startups, Agritech solutions, and more.
My experience extends to working with satellite data (including Sentinel and Landsat), geospatial data modeling, and handling large datasets at scale in the cloud using Docker, Python, S3, etc
I am most interested in building a generic spatial-temporal database that can handle a wide variety of data and use cases.
- Doing Geospatial analysis with Python
- State of Maplibre
- Building a Robust Open Source Geospatial Database Solution using PostgreSQL and its Ecosystem
- Using Uber H3 Indexing Library in Postgres for Geospatial Data Analytics

I am studying Geospatial Information Engineering at the University of Seoul.
- Developing simulation technology to plan drone operations customized for maritime search and rescue

I'm junior ux/ui designer work with geomatics tech company at i-Bitz Co., Ltd Bangkok, Thailand
- Designing maps interface and crafting elements in modern map applications

Jody Garnett is an open source developer and advocate working with GeoCat Canada. He has over 20 years experience consulting, training, building solutions, and guiding technology development. Jody is on the steering committee for the GeoServer, GeoTools, and JTS Topology Suite projects, and volunteers as chair of the OSGeo Incubation Committee.
- Getting Started with GeoServer
- State of GeoTools
- State of GeoServer
- Welcome to Geonetwork
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Kyoto University.
- skye-vision: An Open-Source Ensemble of Python Libraries for Forest Structure Analysis through Remote Sensing and Imagery
- Assessment of variation of land use/land cover and its impact on land Surface Temperature: a case study from Chitwan District, Nepal
Khaled Mashfiq is a Disaster Risk Reduction professional with over fifteen years of experience, passionate about applying technology solutions for smarter decision making. He is currently working as the Liaison Officer for UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) of UNITAR in the Asia Pacific office in Bangkok. Some of his notable fields of expertise are geographic information system, remote sensing, disaster risk modelling, climate change monitoring, big-data analytics, structural engineering.
- Using Open-Source Geospatial Tools for Building Climate Resilience in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Asia-Pacific and Africa

He is working at Pusan National University since 1993 and serving as the chair of OGC IndoorGML standard working group.
- Open Source Tools for Handling OGC IndoorGML

Geospatial Developer, Georepublic Japan LLC
* GitHub:
- GEOS runs on web browser - WebAssembly power for geospatial analysis

I'm krishna, I'm a web GIS Developer focusing on FOSS stack. I help my clients escape the trap of paying $$$ every month for technologies, that are available for free using FOSS.
Apart from development, I also do lot of content creation at related to GIS
- Doing Geospatial analysis with Python
- Openlayers above and beyond
- Creating GIS Rest APIS using Geodjango under 30 minutes
- Geoserver Styling Guide

Kshitij Raj Sharma is a backend engineer at HOTOSM from Nepal, He is a passionate spatial developer with a love for open-source software and open data. His expertise in spatial data and deep interest in mapping led him to explore the potentials. Kshitij has been experimenting and advocating for FOSS and contributing to open data initiatives.
- OSMSG : On the Fly OpenStreetMap Stats Generator
- fAIr - Free and Open Source AI for Humanitarian Mapping
- OGC API – Moving Features, an introduction with MF-API Server based on pygeoapi and MobilityDB
- Accelerating the 3D Point Clouds Annotation Task with Deep Learning and Collaboration
- API Implementation of the OGC API Moving Feature

Director of Technology & Services at Gaia3D, Inc. (2020-present),
FOSS4G evangelist,
Cesium certified developer,
QGIS experienced analyst,
ArcGIS long-term practitioner
- Tiling a Per-Building Tileset of 3D Tiles and Making It Perform at Nation-Wide Scale using External Tilesets
- Developing simulation technology to plan drone operations customized for maritime search and rescue

I am a third-year student at the University of Seoul in South Korea. I am majoring in spatial information engineering, and I am interested in photogrammetry.
- Development of a real-world based 3D driving simulator with open-source software and data
Luca is an OSGeo and OSM contributor and advocate. He graduated in Geography from University of Genova. Since 2008 he work at Fondazione Edmund Mach, an organisation near Trento. He is interested in all features about GIS: desktop, web, geodatabase, developing and geodata. He contributes to GRASS GIS project, pyModis, OSGeoLive, ZOO-Project, DigiAgriApp and others.
He is active in the Italian community and he has been the chair of the FOSS4G 2022 conference.
- DigiAgriApp: the FOSS app to manage your agricultural field
Luca is an OSGeo and OSM contributor and advocate. Since 2008 he work at Fondazione Edmund Mach (Trento, Italy) as GIS technologist. He is interested in: desktop & web GIS, geodatabase, developing and geodata. He contributes to GRASS GIS, DigiAgriApp, pyModis and others.
He is active in the Italian community; he has been a board member and the president of the Italian OSGeo local chapter. He was the chair of the FOSS4G 2022.
- GisHosting2: the new era for your GIS cloud solution

Ian Panganiban is a cloud infrastructure expert with almost 10 years of experience of developing software solutions using free and open source resources. Currently, helping Ausome Maps as volunteer technical adviser and individual contributor.
- Ausome Maps: Empowering Filipino Families by Mapping the Spectrum of Autism Resources in the Philippines using OpenStreetMap and Open-Source Tools
Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry. Skilled in Python, Spatial Analysis, Bash, and Databases. Strong business development professional with a Ph.D. focused in geodesy, topography, geomatics, survay from Politecnico di Torino.
- GisHosting2: the new era for your GIS cloud solution

Masoud Minaei is an Associate Professor of GIS and Remote Sensing at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran where he leads the GISSRS: lab. His areas of research and expertise is focused on applied GIS&RS, UAV/Drones applications, VGI, Land Use Land Cover Change, Ecosystem Services, Spatial Analysis/Planning and so on. He is member of International Societies include: IGU’s GIScience Commission, GeoForAll, ISPM, GeoBON, and ISPRS.
- Drones Help to Desert Ecosystems: The Use of RGB indices and open source software (a case study of Lut desert)
-Present, Senior Researcher, Agency for Defense Development (ADD)
-2018, Ph. D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University
-2012, Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University
- Multi-modal satellite image registration
Graduated from Sejong University in August 2020.
Joined Gaia3D in January 2020.
Employed as a spatial information developer.
Currently a part of the research institute.
- Visualizing Seoul’s subway traffic and data in a 3D city model.
CEO, Mango System inc.
Representative, OSGeo Korean Chapter.
Charter Member, OSGeo.
Director, The Korean Cartographic Assocation.
- 오픈소스를 활용한 환경영향평가 스코핑 지원 시스템 개발
Msilikale Msilanga is Co-Chair of Geo4all for Africa and conference committee chair of Global FOSS4G. He has extensive experience working with FOSS software from his work with the World Bank since 2011. Currently transitioning to a researcher role, Msilanga focuses on community mapping, open data, and digital tools to better understand evidence-based decision-making.
- Using open-source technologies and creative approaches to equip youth and young academic experts with geospatial data skills
My name is Muhammad Farhan Ul Moazzam, a Ph.D. student at the Department of civil engineering at Jeju National University. Before this, I completed my Masters's degree from Naresuan University, Thailand, and a BS degree in GIS/RS from the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. My research interest revolves around the cryosphere, hydro-meteorological hazards, and urban heat islands.
- Elevation-wise and direction-wise distribution of Land Surface Temperature in Jeju Island using Landsat Data

Researcher, Yoshida lab., Osaka Metropolitan University.
Web-GIS Engineer. CEO, Locazing Inc.
- Development of a crack detection system using aerial images taken by a small general-purpose drone and utilization of location information

I'm a Geomatics Engineer and Kathmandu University graduate, committed to using geospatial technology to tackle climate change, land use, disasters, and agriculture. My expertise in remote sensing and GIS powers impactful projects, from monitoring to mapping and prediction, as well as optimizing agriculture. Collaborating with diverse teams, I contribute to evidence-based decisions for a sustainable world. Driven by environmental preservation, I aim to create lasting impact, enhancing resilience against evolving challenges.
- Implication of Open Street Map and Open Aerial Map for Sustainable Urban Agriculture: A Case study of Rooftop Farming in Banepa Municipality

Master in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Assistant Professor
IOE Pashchimanchal Campus
Department of Geomatics
- Assessment of variation of land use/land cover and its impact on land Surface Temperature: a case study from Chitwan District, Nepal
After graduating from Danang University of Science and Technology in 2016, I joined Applied Technology Co., Ltd. in 2018 as an engineer specializing in environmental systems. I worked on projects including a 3D viewer using mago3D for the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, CEARD-AR disaster education app, and railway disaster information system. Currently building "" service with Re:Earth and PLATEAU data.
- Digital Urban Environment Project for Analyzing the Impact of Shadow, Wind, and Noise

Nicolas Bozon is the cartography lead at MapTiler. A senior GIS expert with complementary research and development experiences, Nicolas specializes in geographic data and map design.
- Cartographic design for vector tiles: Best practices and open-source recipes for beautiful maps
Nina Kin is an advocate for better technology practices within government.
- Making A Realtime Interoperable Open-data Stack for Transit

Nobusuke Iwasaki is actively engaged in research related to land use changes and Satoyama landscapes, utilizing FOSS4G. He is also involved in initiatives related to open data, making research findings accessible to a wide audience. He works on the dissemination of FOSS4G to efficiently utilize such data. As a part of his achievements, he has made public systems, such as the Historical Agro-Environment Browsing System and Vineyards The Vineyard Suitability Assessment System.
- Estimation of Vineyard Suitable Areas Using Machine Learning and Data PNG

Software engineer at MIERUNE Inc. in Japan.
Front-end web developer
- Introduction to Data Visualization with

Head of Application Development, I-bitz company limited.
- Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) for Visualizing Coverage JSON on Maplibre-gl
Software QA and Tester , I-bitz company limited (Thailand)
- Automate Testing on Web Map Application with Cypress

I am a GIS and open-source data enthusiast, always keen on exploring new approaches to map design and data visualization. As a cartographer at MapTiler, I help to bring their vector tiles maps to the next level. A strong believer in combining UX and graphic design principles with anything geo-related.
- Cartographic design for vector tiles: Best practices and open-source recipes for beautiful maps

Member of Eukarya Inc., Working as a Full-Stack Engineer with an emphasis on Performant and Resilient system. Additionally, he contributes to open-source software projects, including Re:Earth, Cesium, and Ambient etc.
- Re:Earth Unearthed: Pioneering the Future of WebGIS Technology

Architect and PhD scholar in Urban Studies.
- Revitalizing Urban Voids in Coimbatore, India: A Remote Sensing Approach for Sustainable Development and Community-driven Regeneration using Open source software

Hailing from the stunning country of the Himalayas, Nepal, I aspire to leverage geomatics as a tool to serve human kind from daily life, to complex environmental concerns and hazards, focusing on the location perspective.
- An open source web-enabled utility management system - A case study of utility system developed for Kathmandu University, Nepal.

I have successfully completed my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in the field of Development Geography for Resources Management from Mahasarakham University in Thailand. Currently, I am pursuing a Master's degree in the field of Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems (RS&GIS) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
- Comparative Analysis of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Estimation using PPP Technique: A Study of Bernese, goGPS, and Net_Diff GNSS Processing Software
Dr. Reshma Shrestha is Associate Professor/ Head of Department of Geomatics Engineering, at Kathmandu University. She holds PhD degree from the University of Twente, Netherlands. With more than 10 years of experience in the academic field, her research interest embedded in the application of geospatial technology, land management. She has publications in ISI index journal, peer reviewed, book chapters and conference proceedings and reviewer of Elsevier, and MDPI journals. She coordinated the FOSS4G-Asia 2021.
- Implication of Open Street Map and Open Aerial Map for Sustainable Urban Agriculture: A Case study of Rooftop Farming in Banepa Municipality
- Revitalizing Urban Voids in Coimbatore, India: A Remote Sensing Approach for Sustainable Development and Community-driven Regeneration using Open source software

I am Sandesh Sharma Dulal, a geomatics engineering graduate from Kathmandu University. I am a dedicated Teaching Assistant in the Department of Geomatics Engineering at Kathmandu University. I am keenly interested in web development and machine learning, deploying them for developing innovative open-source technologies.
- An open source web-enabled utility management system - A case study of utility system developed for Kathmandu University, Nepal.

CEO & President of Gaia3D, Inc.
Former OSGeo Board of Directors
OSGeo Charter Member
- [UN] - Geospatial Analysis for Defense Digital Twins(MilMap 4.0)

Sangwoo Ham is a GIS Engineer in the GeoAI platform division at SI Analytics, located in Daejeon, Korea. He is primarily interested in developing geospatial content to provide valuable Earth Observation insights to customers. He believes that utilizing cloud-native geospatial technology and data engineering can help solve various Earth Observation problems.
- Empowering Earth Observation Tasks with STAC and Leafmap: A Hands-On Workshop
Dr. Sarawut Ninsawat is Associate Professor at Asian Institute of Technology. He is a Thai representative charter member of OSGeo foundation. His research interests are application of Remote Sensing and GIS for natural resource management, developing Web Mapping Application especially focus on the implementation of standard OGC Web services. Additionally, the various Location-Based Service applications were developed to utilize the location information for agriculture, environment and logistic purpose.
- Comparative Analysis of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Estimation using PPP Technique: A Study of Bernese, goGPS, and Net_Diff GNSS Processing Software
Sarino Alfonso Grande, GIS analyst, python programmer, expert in drone photogrammetry, GIS and environmental analyses. What is called problem solving. Work in Italy with GTER
- GisHosting2: the new era for your GIS cloud solution
Hi! I'm UX/UI Designer at i-bitz company limited.
- Designing maps interface and crafting elements in modern map applications

Sattawat Arab holds the esteemed position of Head of Geoinformatics at I-bitz Company in Thailand
- Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) for Visualizing Coverage JSON on Maplibre-gl
- STAC Specification and Implementation in Real World
Dept. of Urban Engineering
Kongju National University
- Proposal for Utilization through Fusion of Drone Thermal and ortho Imagery

Sheryl Rose Reyes is a Remote Sensing Expert at the United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT).
- Using Open-Source Geospatial Tools for Building Climate Resilience in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Asia-Pacific and Africa

Shogo Hirasawa, member of Eukarya Inc., specializes in GIS with an emphasis on remote sensing. Additionally, he contributes to open-source software projects, including Re:Earth, OpenStreetMap (OSM), and Mapillary.
- UNVT Portable: Offline Mapping for Disaster Response
- UNVT Portable: Empowering Disaster Response through Offline Map Accessibility
- Re:Earth Unearthed: Pioneering the Future of WebGIS Technology
- Re:Earth Quick Dive: WebGIS Revolution in a Nutshell

Frontend Developer , I-bitz company limited
- IoT Management System in OGC SensorThings API Standard

I am GIS Backend Developer at i-bitz company limited.
- IoT Management System in OGC SensorThings API Standard
- STAC Specification and Implementation in Real World
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI)
Chief of Web System Section, Information Access Division, Geospatial Information Department
- Adopting new technologies in a national geospatial information authority - FOSS4G use in Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI)
- Adaptive Process Fitting: A Novel Approach to Multivariable Calibration in Hydrological Modeling
- Enhancing Hydrological Modeling with Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Products: Impacts of Dataset Qualities and Aggregation Scales

Software engineer at MIERUNE Inc. in Japan. Interested in data visualiation, cartography, and other computational media representations!
- AIST 3DDB Client: an open-source web application for the 3D database
Stephen serves as executive director of, works on scientific computing support at Oberlin College and Conservatory, collaborates Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, and is also coauthor of the PostGIS Cookbook and blogs all his geospatial and ecological whims at
- FOSS4U -- Free and Open Source for Uncrewed Aerial Systems

I'm a passionate geospatial researcher, focusing on using open-source tech for innovation. With a Bachelor's degree in geomatics engineering from Kathmandu University, I'm deeply involved in geospatial exploration. My interests span spatial data visualization, remote sensing, and integrating geospatial tools for humanitarian impact. I see open-source tech merging with geospatial insights to transform problem-solving.
- An open source web-enabled utility management system - A case study of utility system developed for Kathmandu University, Nepal.
Mar. 2023 - Present: Assistant Professor, Drone and GIS Engineering, Namseoul University
Jan. 2023 – Feb. 2023: Postdoctoral researcher, KICT(Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
Mar. 2017 – Aug. 2022: Ph.D., School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University
Sep. 2009 – Aug. 2011: Master Degree, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University
Mar. 2007 – Aug. 2009: Bachelor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University
- Development of deep learning model for road mapping
Junghoon Sung was born in Suwon, Korea, in 1994. He received a B.S.
degree in Urban Engineering from Hyupsung University, South Korea, in
2019. Currently, he is pursuing an M.S. degree in image processing at ChungAng University.
- Automatic Image Registration of Aerial-Ground Cross-view Images based on Deep Learning Image Matching for Efficient Digital Twin Construction

I'm UX/UI Designer from I-bitz company limited, responsible for designing user experience and user interface for map application.
- Designing maps interface and crafting elements in modern map applications
I currently teach GIS and remote sensing courses at the Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia. In the future, I have an obsession, that my students can use, manage and process geospatial data openly, which is getting more and more.
- Concept design of interoperability of military and civilian-based on Google Earth Engine (GEE) in the Malacca Strait region

Taehoon is a Researcher at Data Platform Research Team (DPRT), Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), AIST, Japan.
He also works as an OGC API-MovingFeatures co-editor.
His major research areas include spatio-temporal databases, mobility analysis, indoor spatial analysis, GIS data modeling, and data mining.
- OGC API – Moving Features, an introduction with MF-API Server based on pygeoapi and MobilityDB
- Accelerating the 3D Point Clouds Annotation Task with Deep Learning and Collaboration
- API Implementation of the OGC API Moving Feature
I'm Engineer and Researcher, Taewook Kang who majored in Construction Engineering (Ph.D) and Software Engineering (Master's). I'm very interested in creating small but continuous social value through the convergence of both fields. To this, I'm collaborating with research activities related to construction IT convergence such as writing specialized books related to construction IT technology including BIM (Building Information Modeling), Internet Podcast broadcasting, article contribution.
- Scan to BIM in 3D GIS

Taichi Furuhashi is dedicated to empowering communities through mapping, especially after the devastating 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami. Working with locals, he promotes resilience using mapping, Panorama/VR, and drone tech. Taichi serves as a professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, leads CrisisMappers Japan, and has initiated the DRONEBIRD project for disaster response. He's also been an advisory chairman for Project PLATEAU.
- Integrating Digital Twin City Data into OpenStreetMap: Insights from Japan's Project PLATEAU.

Age : 25
I do VR Point Cloud Processing as a freelancer.
I am also working at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AI research Center.
My portforio:
- Accelerate labeling of original point cloud data for deep learning in VR with Unreal Engine.

- GIS Engineer of Georepublic
- Director of OSGeo.JP
- Director of OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan
- Vice-president of Japan Unix Society
- RGeo: Handling Geospatial Data for Ruby and Ruby on Rails
I am a student of Graduate School of Informatics at Osaka Metropolitan University. I am researching infrastructure maintenance and management using drones.
- Development of a crack detection system using aerial images taken by a small general-purpose drone and utilization of location information

I am Tomoki Fukamizu, a student of Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan.
I am in Furuhashilab ( ) and main activity of us is “crisis mapping”.
- About Wheelchair mapping

- LX Geospatial Information Academy Instructor : Fundamental/ Advanced of Geospatial Analysis by Opensource GIS
- LX Geospatial Information Academy Instructor : Geospatial Analysis & Visualization by Python
- Engineer for Big Data Analysis (빅데이터분석기사/ ADsP)
- A man who is interested in Geospatial analysis and visualization
- How to convert netcdf data to points or grid polygons
- OGC API – Moving Features, an introduction with MF-API Server based on pygeoapi and MobilityDB
- API Implementation of the OGC API Moving Feature
I work for Japan’s Applied Technology Corporation, mainly customizing systems using facility management and developing GIS software add-ins,
- OGC API – Moving Features, an introduction with MF-API Server based on pygeoapi and MobilityDB
- API Implementation of the OGC API Moving Feature
Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan has been involved in advancing Free and Open
Source Solutions fr Geoinformatics (FOSS4G) over the last three decades.He is actively
involved in collaborative projects in Asia. Presently serves as Professor of
Geoinformatics at the School for Science, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan. His
research interest include terrain analysis, Remote Sensing and machine learning.
Further details about his research contributions are available at
- Evaluation of Workflow for Linear Feature Extraction from Digital Elevation Models Using GRASS GIS
Dr. Im, Associate Professor at Meharry Medical College, directs the National Center for Community Mapping. An expert in public participatory GIS, he's innovated web/mobile-based GIS for diverse social and environmental research. With vast experience in health data analysis, he's consulted internationally on participatory mapping and GIS applications, and founded Community Mapping Center. His teaches at Meharry include "Data Measurement" and "GIS in Public Health."
- Community Mapping in North Nashville, TN: Navigating the Divide to Enhance Food Access in Underserved Areas
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- OGC API – Moving Features, an introduction with MF-API Server based on pygeoapi and MobilityDB
- Accelerating the 3D Point Clouds Annotation Task with Deep Learning and Collaboration

Winston is PhD candidate at the Urban Analytics Lab, National University of Singapore. Open source is a large part of his PhD. Part of his PhD culminated in a review of open source software for urban planning. He works on both urban theory and application and has developed open source software, urban dashboards, and web and mobile apps to support urban analytics.
- Urbanity: A Global Tool for Open Urban Network Analytics
- Using Open-Source Geospatial Tools for Building Climate Resilience in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Asia-Pacific and Africa

Core Infrastructure Engineer of i-bitz company limited
- Design and Deploy Microservice for GIS Application apply OGC Standard

PhD student from the College of Resources and Environment at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), specializing in remote sensing hydrology.
- Adaptive Process Fitting: A Novel Approach to Multivariable Calibration in Hydrological Modeling
- Enhancing Hydrological Modeling with Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Products: Impacts of Dataset Qualities and Aggregation Scales

Data Engineer in Mango System, Seoul
- Military terrain spatial analysis service (Mil-Map 4.0), development of 2D military terrain analysis service
A member of I often use QGIS and build WEBGIS.I am a GIS-related researcher at an aerial photogrammetry company.In addition, I work at a volunteer organization that supports recovery in the event of a disaster, and I work to support the use of information technology at recovery support sites.
- Creating a Low-Cost and Operationally Viable WEB Hazard Map System for Disaster Information Sharing Among Local Residents

Map-Holic; Lee, Yong Ik
2012.3. ~ (Now) : Manager(GIS), Seoul
2008.9. ~ 2012.3 : Researcher, KLSG (Korea Land Spatialization Group)
2013.2. : Ph.D.Candidate(GIS), Inha Univ.
2007.8. : Master(GIS), Inha Univ.
1997.3. : Fateful First Meet with the GIS
- The new innovation in citizen communication with Smart Seoul Map by Open Source SW.

Yuen is a software developer at MIERUNE inc. based in Japan. He has experience in developing web map applications with FOSS4G technology, together with experience in providing introductory workshops on the usage of QGIS in both English and Japanese.
- Expanding the use of FOSS4G through QGIS workshops
Dr. Yun-Jae Choung is the GIS & Remote Sensing Expert. He received his Ph.D. from the Ohio State University in 2014. He is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Geo C&I Co., Ltd. He has joined the multiple research projects for developing the remote sensing and GIS application softwares for water resource, disaster prevention and agriculture. He can use ArcGIS, QGIS, SNAP, ENVI, Erdas Imagine and Python.
- Detection of the greenhouses from the Planetscope satellite image using the YOLO algorithm
MangoSystem, Inc. (
책임연구원(Senior Research Engineer)
- 오픈소스를 활용한 환경영향평가 스코핑 지원 시스템 개발