Luka Stemberga
M.Eng in Geodesy and Geoinformatics, with over 5 years of experience in full-stack software development, GIS, remote sensing and data science. I'm currently working as full-stack SW developer. Due to my involvement in various LIST LABS projects (including ESA founded - Near-real Time Monitoring of Coastal Zone - A Change Detection by Machine Learning model), of which all include use of React and OpenLayers libraries, I gained sufficient knowledge to design and develop highly efficient algorithms and quality webapps.
2D/3D WebGIS platform using React, OpenLayers and Cesium
Luka Stemberga, Mirna Bušić
Use open-source libraries to quickly develop previews of your geospatial data (vector, raster, point cloud, etc.) and display it on the map. Go even further and render your 2D data in 3D using Cesium.js.
UBT C / N111 - Second Floor