FOSS4G 2023 workshops

Christopher Beddow

Christopher Beddow is a data analyst with the maps team at Meta working with Mapillary, OpenStreetMap, and open geospatial data initiatives. He has led various projects including Mapillary integrations for GIS and OSM, the Mapillary Python SDK, and Meta collaboration with Major League Hacking program for student projects in open source. Chris is originally from Montana, USA and lives in central Switzerland.


Collaborative Mapping 2.0: Rapid and Tasking Manager
Feye Andal, Christopher Beddow

Collaborative mapping is a valuable approach to creating or updating map data at scale. Whether simply improving the general data quality in an area, reacting to a crisis, or focusing on a specific data class, using the Tasking Manager and Rapid make the process a breeze.

UBT B / N 014 - First Floor